The remuneration of our activities is made up of a fee for the service provided and reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses. Tax consultants are bound to the ordinance on tax consulting fees [Steuerberatergebührenverordnung] in accordance with the Tax Advisor Law [Steuerberatungsgesetz], issued by the German Federal Ministry of Finances through statutory regulation with the agreement of the Bundesrat. The amount of fees is aligned to the significance of the matter at hand, the scope of work, and its level of difficulty. The ordinance on tax consulting fees [Steuerberatergebührenverordnung] relates to tax consulting only in the narrower sense. This includes consulting and representation in tax matters and assistance in complying with tax and bookkeeping obligations. For other activities of the tax consultant compatible with the profession, other regulations on fees apply, such as for instance from the German Civil Code [Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch] and the law on reimbursing witnesses and experts [Gesetz über die Entschädigung von Zeugen und Sachverständigen]. We would also be happy to agree flat-rate fees, to the extent legally permissible. Ask us about it!
© 2023 martini + schleicher Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG | Tax Consultants in Berlin Adlershof
Tax Consulting and partner in company management
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© 2025 martini + schleicher Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG | Steuerberater | Tax Consultants in Berlin Adlershof |
The remuneration of our activities is made up of a fee for the service provided and reimbursement of out-of- pocket expenses. Tax consultants are bound to the ordinance on tax consulting fees [Steuerberatergebührenverordnung] in accordance with the Tax Advisor Law [Steuerberatungsgesetz], issued by the German Federal Ministry of Finances through statutory regulation with the agreement of the Bundesrat. The amount of fees is aligned to the significance of the matter at hand, the scope of work, and its level of difficulty. The ordinance on tax consulting fees [Steuerberatergebührenverordnung] relates to tax consulting only in the narrower sense. This includes consulting and representation in tax matters and assistance in complying with tax and bookkeeping obligations. For other activities of the tax consultant compatible with the profession, other regulations on fees apply, such as for instance from the German Civil Code [Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch] and the law on reimbursing witnesses and experts [Gesetz über die Entschädigung von Zeugen und Sachverständigen]. We would also be happy to agree flat-rate fees, to the extent legally permissible. Ask us about it!